How could little league players win the discipleship world series?

We did! Read the first chapter about how shifting to new mindsets released radically different results.

In this chapter, you’ll discover:

  • How God kept me going when I almost gave up on movement ideals
  • What to do when the task of disciple multiplication feels impossible
  • Why you should keep believing God for greater fruit
  • That God is waiting for you to say yes to Him, yet again

What Mission & Church leaders are saying

God is catalyzing amazing movements of exponentially multiplying disciples and churches among many peoples and places of the world. If you’ve been pursuing multiplication and feel frustrated, this book is for you. If you’re already a multiplier and want to better equip others, this book is for you."

Stan Parks

24:14 Co-facilitator

"The Multipliers’ Mindset is a compelling and useful tool for bringing readers from a pedestrian inquiry to being a fruitful practitioner of movements missiology.

Dr. David Garrison

Author of Church Planting Movements and A Wind in the House of Islam

" Anderson challenges our traditional assumptions about making disciples and gently paints a picture of simple but profound truths so that God can unleash us into fruitfulness beyond our wildest dreams.


Author of Across the Street and Around the World

About the Author

Cynthia specializes in training pastors, mission agencies, Kingdom-minded leaders, and ordinary people in how to multiply disciples and catalyze Jesus movements in their areas.

 An international speaker who has spoken to an audience of 10k+, a columnist for an award-winning Christian magazine, and one who has founded several global enterprises, Anderson also created an online course that has trained thousands of students across 90 nations in how to multiply disciples,

She is a key go-to person for advice on how to mobilize and activate yourself and others toward greater spiritual fruitfulness. 

Anderson has helped denominational leaders, bishops, pastors, mechanics, hairstylists, and housewives learn how to multiply disciples and begin the journey toward launching new multiplying movements of Jesus’ followers in their areas. 

She is an experienced cross-cultural minister with three decades of experience in global leadership, cross-cultural missions, church planting, and disciple-making in frontier areas, including Nepal, India, and Thailand.

Cynthia is a wife, mother of three adult kids (all born in Asia), and the proud grandma of three beautiful grandkids.

She earned a Masters’s degree in Global Leadership from Fuller Seminary and has over thirty years of field experience in Asia. Her blog Pursing Disciple Making Movements in the Frontiers equips 40,000+ globally each week with disciple-making tips and her newly released podcast Dare to Multiply inspires many others.

Cynthia Anderson

Start shifting your mindsets with the first chapter today!