101: Do Big Meetings Harm or Help Disciple-making Efforts?



Jesus preached to crowds. In disciple-making approaches, we emphasize the importance of small groups. Can big meetings help? if so, when are they appropriate? Can they cause harm? Cynthia explores this topic and question on today’s episode, looking at both Scripture and modern examples.

Key Points From This Episode:

  • Just obey Jesus. If He leads you to host a large meeting be sure to obey Him. But don’t do it just because its the only model you’ve seen done to bring people to Christ.
  • In DMMs anything Jesus did is something we can do.
  • Big crowds and big meetings was NOT Jesus’ primary method of multiplying disciples or advancing His Kingdom
  • Jesus only preached a few sermons to crowds. He told many stories in the context of everyday life
  • Planning big meetings are not very reproducible for the ordinary person
  • Follow up can be a real challenge. It’s much more natural when it happens in the context of a person’s oikos (circle of influence and relationships)
  • Large gatherings can be risky where persecution is high. There is also a real risk when we build a ministry around a particular personality.


Links Mentioned in This Episode:

Order The Multiplier’s Mindset Book

Getting Started in Disciple Making Movements Course

Pursuing Disciple Making Movements in the Frontiers Blog

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