Is it possible to transition an attractional model church to a movemental model of church? Simon and Ceri Harris have been experimenting with this and seen some wonderful fruit. On today’s episode we will hear their story of both personal and community transformation and they learned to become a family on mission who look both Up, In and Out.
Learn more about Simon and Ceri’s ministry and get their book at
Key Points From This Episode:
- Change needs to start with us being willing to learn new skills and join Jesus on the adventure of doing mission with Him.
- Ceri describes the simple process they encourage people to adopt as Up, In, and Out like a triangle. We need to get close to Jesus and hear His voice (Up), build our team and community relationships (In), and be on mission together impacting the world (Out).
- Develop a grace environment and take people along with you on the learning and discovery journey, but also be willing to let people leave if they don’t feel called to this path.
- Start with your own family, making it a place of safety and celebration and inviting non-believers to join you as you study scripture or do life together. Some may never feel comfortable inviting to church but can invite to a family event.
- Let people discover for themselves what they are uniquely gifted in, or called to and how they can use that missionally.
- God wants us to be wholehearted people who can live for God from our whole selves.
- Don’t try to make these changes alone, be in community with others who are also making changes in their churches, teams or communities.
Links Mentioned in This Episode:
Simon and Ceri’s ministry and get their book at
Order The Multiplier’s Mindset Book
Getting Started in Disciple Making Movements Course