Christmas is my favorite time of the year! I love the lights, music, and joy in the air. The delicious food is great too! What I love the most though, is how easy it is to start conversations about Jesus in the month of December. As advent begins, my heart longs to draw closer to Jesus. I’ll be setting aside some special time for greater intimacy with Him.
I also really want to bless Him this year. Already, I’ve made my Christmas shopping list and am thinking about what to buy for my hubby and kids. But what about Jesus? What is the best gift I could give to my Lord? It’s His birthday after all!
In Luke 15, there are three wonderful stories about reaching the lost. At the end of each of these parables, Jesus says that when one sinner repents, Heaven throws a party!
Wouldn’t it be great to make Heaven have a bunch of extra parties in December?
A Spiritual Conversation Each Day
Here’s the deal. This year, I’ve made a decision. Every day in December, I want to have at least one significant spiritual conversation with someone who doesn’t know Jesus. I will pause and listen to God when I’m out and about. I’ll be watchful for who He is leading me to, and initiate conversations with people about the true meaning of Christmas. Sharing my testimony, the Christmas story, or another gospel presentation with at least one person each day…I’ll start spiritual conversations about advent.
This is the best gift I can think of to give my Lord on Christmas Day. It’s the perfect way to celebrate His great gift to me, His coming to Earth.
If I share the good news with 25 people in December, the odds are very high that someone will take a step toward Jesus. Discovery Bible studies will start. New disciples will be made. The lost will be found. Heaven will celebrate.
So Many Wait to Hear the Reason He Came
It’s so, so easy to get caught up in all the celebrations, decorations, gift purchases, cookie baking, and church-going. Yet somehow, I know what Jesus wants most is for us to tell the world why He came. It’s time to do things differently.
Two billion people in this world, have no idea why Jesus was born, or why He came. They may have heard of Christmas, but have little idea what it’s all about. December is the perfect time to tell them!
Transitioning to the True Meaning of Christmas
A few weeks ago I was talking with a Somali woman. She was sitting in her shop, a bit bored, watching TV. I commented that December is often a time when people buy many gifts. It was easy to transition to talking about Christmas. I asked her, “Do you know what Christmas is all about?” She had no idea. It was an easy transition into the Christmas story and the gospel message.
I’d like to invite you to join me in this 25 Day Advent Challenge.
Would you be willing to ask God to use you in December to have one spiritual conversation with a lost person each day? In the midst of the hustle and bustle, the buying and eating? The choir practices and cooking? Would you take time each day to talk to one person about what this holiday is all about?
You might end up with a new brother or sister in Christ, a person of peace, or a new disciple to train as a disciple maker.
Can I ask a big favor? Would you talk to at least one friend and invite them to do this challenge with you? Share the link to this blog? Your chances of success will go up exponentially if you do this with someone else.
Don’t worry about starting right on the first of December. If you are hearing about this a bit late, start on whatever day it is. Just begin! One spiritual conversation with someone each day.
As we do this, it will greatly delight our Savior’s heart. I’m so excited to give Jesus this gift!
Sign Up Today
If you’d like to join me in this Advent gift to Jesus of 25 spiritual conversations in December, sign up on the form below or click this link. I’ll send you an encouraging email and a link to join a WhatsApp group where we can encourage one another.
We will share testimonies, failures and successes, and pray for each other. It will help us to keep being inspired to make space in our lives this month for what is most important. I will also send you a few resources over those days that you can use to share the gospel.
Hesitating a bit? Not sure you want to commit to something you might not be able to do?
There is no performance or pressure! God is going to help us and we will encourage one another. If you think this will help you share more then you would without this support, sign up. That simple step of faith to say YES to this challenge will be celebrated by God (and me).
I’m praying that this December will be the best Advent Season you have ever experienced. As you make His wonderful entry into this world known to those around you… you will be filled with joy. So many have never heard of a Jesus who loved them enough to leave Heaven and become a helpless baby. You’ll get the incredible privilege of being the one to tell them!
After signing up, jump on the DMM Facebook page and let me know what most excites you or scares you about this step!