What makes a disciple making movement move? How can you get multiplication growth to happen (and be sustained) as you make disciples? There are certain movement growth factors to keep in mind in your ministry.
The following are the most important keys to pushing your disciple making into multiplicative growth. Some are obvious. Some are more easy to ignore.
Proverbs 29:18 “Where there is no vision, the people perish…” (KJV)
How deeply ingrained in the heart of each disciple is the vision to see lost people around them come to know the Lord? When we talk about vision as it relates to Disciple Making Movements, we are specifically talking about the vision for lost people to meet Jesus and be saved. This passion, this vision for lost souls must be spoken out repeatedly in every meeting and in multiple ways. It has to become a part of the “talk” of the movement. It has to move beyond something only leaders think about and become ingrained in the hearts of all. This happens by creative and consistently motivating people to reach the lost around them. Cast vision to see your movement move!
Ephesians 6:18 “And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.“(NIV)
DMM leaders are people of constant prayer. Prayer is what we model, what we live and what we impart to others we train them as disciples. We pray fervently for the believers, for the lost around us, for God’s supernatural work, for victory over the enemy, for healing and deliverance, etc. Prayer moves the movement forward!
John 15:14 “You are my friends if you do what I command.” (NIV)
Radical and immediate obedience to the commands of Jesus is a characteristic of movements that move. As we train disciples to immediately obey what they are learning in God’s word, a DNA of obedience begins to take root in the movement. We can not compromise on this area out of fear of turning people off. We must give opportunity for people to immediately obey His Word. We need to expect and anticipate that they will obey, rather than making it “normal” to learn God’s truths, but not do them. Whether we are teaching disciples to love their neighbor, be baptized, give, or go, we give a chance for them to show immediate actions of obedience. This will make the movement move!
1 Cor 9:24 “Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize.“(NIV)
Athletes and soldiers share something in common with Disciple Making Movement practitioners. They are incredibly focused and refuse to be distracted by things that “ordinary” people engage in. There are so many things that pull our attention away from evangelism and disciple making activities! As someone once said,”the good is the enemy of the best.” Focus your time, energy, finances and prayer on training disciples to make disciples. Help others to do the same. Focus moves movements forward!
Luke 19:15 “When he returned, having received the kingdom, he ordered these servants to whom he had given the money to be called to him, that he might know what they had gained by doing business.” (NIV)
In this parable of Jesus, the master gives out ten minas and goes away. When he returns he asks his servants to report back to him what they have done. Friendly accountability is biblical and important in making disciples who multiply. When you encourage disciples to share application steps in response to God’s word, follow-up! Ask them how it went. Encourage positive actions and help people overcome obstacles when not able to reach their goals to share the gospel or reach their neighbors and friends. Don’t just preach and teach and hope for the best! Train people through practicing friendly accountability. Make sure you are also willing to be accountable yourself! This kind of accountability moves movements forward!
2 Cor 8:1-3 “We want you to know, brothers,[a] about the grace of God that has been given among the churches of Macedonia, 2 for in a severe test of affliction, their abundance of joy and their extreme poverty have overflowed in a wealth of generosity on their part. 3 For they gave according to their means, as I can testify, and beyond their means, of their own accord.“(NIV)
Movements that give are movements that grow. Internally generated funds and a DNA of obedient and cheerful giving is key to seeing poverty broken over the lives of disciples and the resources released for evangelistic efforts. As much as external funding can be a killer of movements, generous giving from inside the movement spurs it onward. Don’t be afraid to train brand new believers to give of their time, talent and treasure from the very beginning. When they experience the joy and blessing of giving, they will grow, and so will the movement!
Which Of These 6 Key Movement Growth Factors Are You Doing Well At?
Which of them need some work?
Leave a comment telling me your answers. By writing a movement growth factor there, your commitment to do something about it will increase. We all work that way.
As you get to work on these 6 key areas, you will watch your movement take off to much greater growth!
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I t is power full and important to a practical discipel making movements
Help me develop concentration and remember to put prayer ahead of any other things as I am making my first steps in the movement. May brothers and sisters pray for me in this aspect.
I always give myself little time for prayers not knowing that for a living and healthy Disciples making Movement mission to grow fast and fully, there must be persistent prayers and supplication.
May the Lord help me to be intentional on my walk with and raising others for him
May God raise me to become the best intentional teacher of the Bible ward.
So that I can also make others to expand the growth of the kingdom of God
I have been struggling for years to understand my priestly ministry,but my vision isn’t clear to me,all I do is worship with my family and reach out to as many that I come in contact with,I just want to hear the voice of God, this is what you do. God bless you 🙏
Gabriel, may God continue to lead and guide you step by step. Just do the God assignment before you! He will open the right doors and make you fruitful as you listen and obey.