80: Why Some Groups Fail to Multiply



We dream of the multiplication of disciples and groups, but sometimes it seems a distant, far off dream. Why is it that some groups fail to multiply? Cynthia addresses this important question in this episode of the podcast sharing both common causes and possible solutions to see things move forward.

Key Points From This Episode:

  • Our groups didn’t multiply until we commissioned them. 
  • Groups don’t multiply if they are inward focused and the group’s purpose isn’t clear.
  • Disciple-making is more caught than taught.
  • Don’t be afraid to ask people how they did with their action steps.  Model and use the friendly accountability cycle.
  • Prayer can make disciples and groups that aren’t multiplying yet, begin to multiply. It changes things!
  • Consider whether or not the group is too leader centric rather than practicing a shared ownership.
  • Empower people with skill training and commissioning.
  • Fruitfulness and multiplication are the natural order God created.  If you aren’t multiplying, God wants you to and will make a way for you.


Links Mentioned in This Episode:

Order The Multiplier’s Mindset Book

Getting Started in Disciple Making Movements Course

Pursuing Disciple Making Movements in the Frontiers Blog

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