On the podcast today, Cynthia continues her series defining key factors in disciple multiplication. What does it mean when we talk about abundant gospel sowing? How do you increase the number of good news presentations happening in your area?
Key Points From This Episode:
- Abundant gospel sowing is a key element that leads to the releasing of Disciple Making Movements (DMMs)
- Ask yourself: how many of my people will hear the gospel today? Or, how many in my city will hear the gospel today?
- Then ask, how many people will hear the gospel from our team this month?
- Finally, how can we 10x that number?
- It is basic math. The more seeds you sow, the more people you share with, the more likely it is that you will find someone whose heart God has prepared.
- 2 Cor 9: 6 says “The person who sows sparingly will reap sparing, but the person who sows generously will reap generously.”
- There is a disconnect between asking God for a great harvest, if you are only sowing a few seeds.
- Its not about mass evangelism approaches like tract distribution, but about finding ways to see more personal gospel presentations happen.
- A big key to increasing gospel sowing is activating and equipping every believer to do this.
- How can you personally engage in more spiritual conversations this week?
- Who can you train to share their story or take along with you in seed sowing?
Links Mentioned in This Episode:
Order The Multiplier’s Mindset Book
Getting Started in Disciple Making Movements Course
Thanks sooo much, I really have been motivated by your message.
You talked about sharing an experience of how you share the gospel by give a testimony of Ur salvation encounter with Jesus in 2- 3 min and I love that but what if you don’t have a striking experience to share.
Then I would suggest sharing about a time God has changed you more recently. How has he brought change in your life? What is different because you know Him? Maybe its a time He healed you or met you when you were deeply discouraged, etc. You can also use that as your 3 min testimony.