89: What Is the Most Effective Way to Make Disciples At Christmas 



On this episode, Cynthia shares about the importance of evaluating the effectiveness of all the money and time we spend on Christmas events vs. learning to share personally and invite people into spiritual conversations.  She shares 4 things we can do in that conversations to be light and salt to the lost in this Advent Season

Key Points From This Episode:

  • Christmas events and caroling are not wrong, but we must evaluate the effectiveness of these things in light of Jesus’ command to make disciples.
  • Train yourself and your disciples to initiate conversations through curious questions.
  • Listen well.  Listen for pain points then identify and empathize with those.
  • Share your story related to the pain point mentioned.  How has God helped, or how is he currently helping you to overcome in those areas
  • Pray and invite.  Invite them not to a program but to further conversation or discovery.  


Links Mentioned in This Episode:

Order The Multiplier’s Mindset Book

Getting Started in Disciple Making Movements Course

Pursuing Disciple Making Movements in the Frontiers Blog

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