93: How Movements Multiply as Families of Movements – with Stan Parks



Did you know that 90% of new movements are started by other existing movements? These families of movements continue to emerge and grow around the world. What exactly is a family of movements? Cynthia speaks with Stan Parks of 24:14 about this strategic aspect of movement expansion on this episode.

Find out more about 24:14 at 24:14now.net

Key Points From This Episode:

  • 90% of all movements are started by existing movements
  • there are currently about 50 or 60 families of movements that are tied to the 2000 or so movements in the world today
  • A biblical example of movements launching movements is found in Acts 19.  You also could consider the 7 different churches in Revelation in this way.
  • new believers among the unreached are very motivated to share beyond themselves if we don’t impede them.
  • Roland Allen, “If we don’t get in their way they will spontaneously expand.”
  • Don’t think what can I do, but what must be done? What is it going to take to start movements everywhere?
  • New role emerging where we can not only be movement catalysts but movement servants.  
  • Only about 5% of people are entrepreneurs, lets get behind that 5% and help them be even more fruitful.  
  • Movement servants can help with Bible translations, audio/visual materials, and many other things that movements need help with. 
  • A new movement emerging from an existing movement typically will cross a barrier of language, geography or religion then take on its own identity.  
  • In movements, control is a killer.  
  • New movements emerge from existing movements as they spread organically but sometimes also it is intentional. 
  • Movements look for apostolic agents who are gifted to cross barriers into new contexts. 
  • One mistake we have made is not to send our best people.  The church in Antioch sent 40% of their top leaders out to pioneer in new locations. 
  • Starting new groups and disciple multiplication is simple.  But leading a growing family of movements is not simple. It is incredibly complicated.  
  • Founders or leaders of families of movements tend to be specially anointed by God in these ways; Vision casting, empowering others, delegating, dedication in prayer, gifted in developing leadership teams, very strategic in their thinking, etc. 
  • One pitfall to avoid is trying to control these movements rather than follow their lead.  Be careful we are not throwing money at them or wanting them to run our programs.   
  • Our job is to be faithful and obedient and continue to learn and evaluate.  Whether the movement happens or not is God’s responsibility.  


Links Mentioned in This Episode:


Order The Multiplier’s Mindset Book

Getting Started in Disciple Making Movements Course

Pursuing Disciple Making Movements in the Frontiers Blog

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