97: Don’t Start With Jesus



In today’s episode, Cynthia talks about how to first connect and build a bridge through asking questions and seeing people, before talking about Jesus, or Christianity, or church.  If you’ve struggled to be effective in evangelism, this episode will help!

Key Points From This Episode:

  • When we begin the conversation with a statement about being a Christian, or about Jesus, it causes a wall of resistance to go up.
  • Start your conversation by asking a question that gives the person a chance to share about themselves.
  • Before Jesus sent out his disciples to share the gospel of the Kingdom, it says He saw the multitudes.  He saw their brokenness and lost condition. (Matt 9:36-10:1) 
  • Compassion for the lost, and an ability to see the brokenness of those around us is a pre-condition to being effective in gospel sowing.
  • Our own brokenness and need sometimes causes us to be narcissistic or self-focused. When we are like this, we can not see others with empathy or compassion.  
  • The harvest is ripe, but we need to be willing to see people before we try to push Christianity or Jesus on them.
  • Examine your own heart.  Is it compassionate toward the lost around you or judgmental and angry?  Ask God to break your heart and help you to truly see people this week.  


Links Mentioned in This Episode:

Order The Multiplier’s Mindset Book

Getting Started in Disciple Making Movements Course

Pursuing Disciple Making Movements in the Frontiers Blog

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