Not only do we desire to launch new disciple-making movements, but those who dare to multiply work to see an expression of movemental Christianity in their unique contexts. Today on the podcast we have Rich Robinson, co-founder of the Movement Leaders Collective, and author of the book All Change. He and Cynthia discuss how to bring about change in an organization, church, business, or community and see the release of new expressions of church and Kingdom.
Connect with Rich at or
Key Points From This Episode:
- We need consider how to catalyze movemental Christianity not only launch new movements to Christ in unreached areas.
- 4 Phase Framework for Change
a. Dream (Luke 2-6) Jesus was a Catalyst
b. Discover (Luke 7-11) Jesus was a Coach
c. Design (Luke 12-22) Jesus was a Challenger
d. Deploy (Luke 22 to Acts) Jesus was a Champion - “If we’re to better the future, we must first disrupt the present.”
- We live and lead in a very complex and rapidly changing environment. The pace of change is accelerating globally.
- “Don’t let the vehicle become the vision”
- Live as learners who can re-imagine a future with God.
- Every day I feel disillusioned, and every day I can be hopeful. We live in the in between of those two realities as leaders.
- Naming our vulnerability in a changing environment is helpful to facing it.
- We aim for “kingdom imagination rather than human management.”
- Experiential learning causes us to get better ourselves, but also to get better data as we design new initiatives. We get out of our head and into the field.
- Greener pastures are available to us, but they are accessed as we go through the valley of the shadow of death. It won’t be easy, but it will be worth it!
Links Mentioned in This Episode:
Connect with Rich at or
Order The Multiplier’s Mindset Book
Getting Started in Disciple Making Movements Course