Announcing Our New Name and Logo! 

dare to multiply


Sometimes I introduce myself as a woman of many names.  I’m not sure how exactly it happened that I ended up with so many names, but maybe it’s because of the high value I put on adapting to my context.  I’m called Cindy, Cynthia, C. Anderson, and in Nigeria by my Ibo name, Chinyere.  Names are important.  Today we are announcing that DMMs Frontier Missions has a new name.

Drum roll please…

Our new name is Dare to Multiply.

This is already the name of my podcast which I hope you are subscribed to and listen to!  So why the change from DMMs Frontier Missions to Dare to Multiply?

A Bit of Background

I published my first blog back in 2017.  I didn’t have much experience choosing a name, but I knew I wanted to write about what God had been teaching me about Disciple Making Movements or DMMs. I also knew my passion was to see these movements taking place among the unreached, or in the frontiers.  This has been my life calling and work.  The name DMMs Frontier Missions was born with the tagline being Pursuing Disciple Making Movements in the Frontiers – Encouragement and Insights for Disciple-makers.

Since then, it’s been an amazing journey with God.  Simply following Him, step by step. Doing my best to listen to His voice, and just obey.

Following Him Step by Step

Since then God led me to create the first online course, Getting Started in Disciple Making Movements, with over 5000 trainees in 92 nations, launching another website and blog focused more on missionary life (, starting a new ministry (Disciple Makers Increase), writing my second book The Multiplier’s Mindset: Thinking Differently About Discipleship, launching the podcast, and more!  What a journey with God!  It’s always an adventure, for sure.

My passion is to see hundreds of thousands of people who don’t know Jesus hear of His love and encounter His goodness, become His dedicated followers, and begin to spread that message to many, many others around them.  There are still millions who have yet to hear even once about Jesus, who have never even met a genuine follower of Christ.  Getting this good news to them in relatable ways that make sense, and helping them learn what it means to live life with Jesus and in community with others following His path…it’s why I get out of bed every day.  It’s what makes me willing to keep writing, speaking, training, coaching, and sharing Jesus with my neighbors and anyone and everyone I meet. 

So back to the new name.

When I felt God’s leading to begin the podcast, I was asking God, what is it you uniquely have called and gifted me to do Father?  It’s a worthy question for all of us to ask once in a while.

I wanted a name that reflected my primary life message.  God gave me “Dare to Multiply.”

Ordinary People

God’s given me a passion and a gift to call ordinary people, like myself, to believe Him in faith for much more than they could naturally imagine happening.  It takes courage to rise up in faith and believe God for a movement.  Or even to believe that He could use you to see your neighbor who seems so antagonistic against Christianity soften, begin to listen, and eventually choose to give their life to Christ, then begin to reach their friend circle. This is a total God thing.  Something only He can do.

It’s also something He is willing, and ready to do, through those of us who will dare to believe. 

Multiplication – A Biblical Theme

Multiplication is a major theme in Scripture.  It’s God’s way.  He created His world to experience multiplication, not only addition.  “Be fruitful and multiply” is His command four times in the book of Genesis.  The word “multiply” appears 118 times in Scripture.  That is a lot!  God is a God of multiplication. 

But let’s be honest. Sometimes, its hard, even to believe for any growth at all.  Addition takes faith too.  I totally agree.  Especially when you are starting from zero. 

Rise to His Level, Not Ours

Those who dare greatly, delight the Father.  He loves when His children are willing to stretch and believe for things that only He can do.  Believing God for the multiplication of disciples and Kingdom fruit takes us out of the realm of what we can do if we work harder, smarter ,and become more strategic.  It moves us into the God zone.  Those things that only God can do.  The realm of the impossible becomes possible. 

dare to multiply

When do we get into the God zone?  When we start asking for, and daring to believe, for things so far beyond us that it requires us to absolutely depend on Him. It’s when we are willing to change anything and everything He asks us to.  When we are in that God zone of faith, we have to let go of old patterns, favorite old programs and strategies and freshly hear from Him.  What is He saying to do?  Where is He telling us to throw the nets…now? 

In these days of global turmoil and constant change, I believe more than ever God wants us to be people who dare to believe Him for not just small things, but the greater things of the Kingdom. These are what our Papa God is longing to release.  Revivals and the movements that seem impossible. 

Some years ago, God spoke to my team about believing God for fifty new movements to Christ to be released by the end of this year (2025).  We’ve been praying, fasting, and working to see that happen.  We still have a long way to go.

This morning, when I woke and my feet touched the floor, I whispered a prayer I’m in the habit of speaking out each morning, “Thank you God for releasing fifty new movements.”  Honestly, I have little idea exactly how God is going to do that, but I have great faith that He will.  He is the Almighty One.  The God of the Universe!  The One who spoke and the stars came into place. 

Knowing the God of the Impossible Makes It Easy to Dare to Multiply

I know Him to be a God of the impossible.  He has worked countless miracles in my life in every possible category; healing, financial miracles, supernatural breakthroughs, etc. I truly know Him to be more than able to do anything we genuinely believe. 

Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end.

– Ephesians 3:20-21 KJV

“‘If you can?” said Jesus. “Everything is possible for one who believes.” – Mark 9:23 NIV

Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.

– Hebrews 11:1 NIV

If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.”

– Matt 21:22 NIV

Will you dare to believe with me for tens of thousands of people to come to know Jesus? Will you dare to believe that God can use ordinary people, those others would never dream of using, to multiply His Kingdom in radically crazy numbers? 

Will you dare to believe that God wants to bring about a multiplication of disciples in the least reached corners of the earth?  And a fresh move of His Spirit upon ordinary church-goers in the West as well? 

God is raising up those that dare to multiply His Kingdom across the earth.  Those that will multiply leaders, those that will multiply Kingdom businesses, those that will multiply on fire kid’s discipleship, those that will multiply ministries and innovative new approaches to reaching the lost. 

Like our new logo shows, circles multiplying circles, that continue to spread.  Some circles will be discipleship groups that meet in homes, some circles may be a group of businesses partnering to multiply Kingdom influence.  Some may be in the least reached corners of Asia or Africa.  Others may be in the offices of government officials. 

But in all those circles, you’ll find courageous, passionate Jesus followers, who are sold out to obeying Jesus no matter what it costs them.  Who have no higher calling than to glory Him on this earth and make sure that not a single person in their sphere of influence goes without hearing of His incredibly great love for them. 

So join me, walk with me, run with me, on this grand adventure as we continue to Dare to Multiply

Note: Watch for a new url and website full release in the coming months as we make this transition.

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