“Pastor Cindy”…ahh! That had a nice ring to it! Being called pastor somehow set me apart. I was special. When my husband and I first started pastoring, we were quite young…fresh out of Bible college. We served as youth ministers in a church that instructed us to call ourselves “Pastor Todd” and “Pastor Cindy.” Only later I came to understand the danger of titles, and what it did to increase the separation between myself and those I served.
Titles put you on a pedestal. It’s one you will sooner or later fall off of. It may be in a very visible way that hurts many. Or it could be in a hidden way, which hurts you. We all fail to live up to that standard of perfection and holiness. We’re human. The titles of Pastor, Bishop, Apostle, Reverend, sometimes cause more harm than good. This is certainly true when it comes to Disciple Making Movements and releasing the priesthood of all believers.
Where Do Ministerial Titles Come From?
This article won’t be able to go into depth or be complete on this topic. I simply want to give a brief summary to help us understand a bit of the historical context.
In 312 CE, the Roman emperor, Constantine, became a Christian. His conversion to Christianity and the following Christianization of the Roman Empire led to many changes in the Church. New structures emerged. The separation of the clergy (those who served full-time as ministers) and the laity (those who attended church but worked secular jobs) grew. Offices, titles, positions, and payments for the ministerial service (by the state) became the norm.
This continued within the Catholic church and eventually led to the establishment of the office of the pope. Though Catholics claim Peter was the first pope, this title is not found in scripture. It didn’t begin to be used as a title until the 10th century. Interestingly, the time of Constantine was also when we see the prominence of church buildings in association with Christian gatherings. The Emperor built elaborate churches and established bishops, and others to preside.
Centuries later, Martin Luther posted his 95 Theses on the door of a church in Wittenberg in 1517. This caused an outcry against many of the abuses of the Catholic church. Protestants left the church and formed new congregations. During this time, many traditions were stripped away. The separation of clergy and laity remained.
Titles Are Not Evil, But Can Be Harmful
My aim is not to strip ministers of their titles. If that is your tradition, it is for you and others in your denomination to evaluate this in light of both scripture and its relevance to your context.
It is for those who are aiming to start new Disciple Making Movements that I write this article, not to attack the existing church in any way. If your aim is to start a DMM, then you must know that it is quite harmful to make use of ministerial titles. This is a general principle, though, not a rule. The rest of this article will explain why.
For more on this topic, read my previous blog as well.
3 Reasons Titles Harm Movement Growth
1. Titles emphasize the distinction between ministers and members.
When I use the title “Pastor Cindy” it separates me from you. Unless you are also a pastor. If you are called pastor too, it puts you and I in a “little club” together. One that is a bit higher in status than other ordinary people. We know more and are somehow to be regarded as more holy than others.
This does not help movements grow! Avoid it. Be normal. Be ordinary. Level the playing field.
Yes, you may have done some special training or seminary studies. That doesn’t necessarily make you any better at making disciples. Not all pastors, bishops, reverends, and such are disciple-makers. In fact, many are not.
In Disciple Making Movements, we don’t elevate knowledge above obedience to Jesus’ commands.
It is not our ability to write beautiful sermons, or exegete Greek and Hebrew words that will launch a movement. It is our life of obedience to Christ. Our lives must model what we want to see every disciple do.
Give Honor Where It Is Due
Leaders who serve should be respected. Those who teach and train many, should be given honor where honor is due. Some leaders may even receive financial support for what they do or part of the tithes and offerings given in the movement. This is appropriate.
That is different from expecting honor and using your title to elevate yourself. It’s far different than when people honor you, but you never asked for it.
2. Titles discourage “ordinary believers” from doing the work of the ministry.
“I could never be like my pastor! He is so holy, he prays and reads the Bible all day. I’ll never be used by God like he is.”
This is not what you want people to think. Instead, you want those you are training to be disciples to know that you get up every day as they do. You do your best to serve God, to listen to His voice, and to share His love with those around you…and it’s not always easy.
The more we help people see that we struggle with the same things they do, the more they will step up to the task of making disciples.
Jesus didn’t elevate Himself above His disciples. He lived with them, ate with them, slept with them, walked and talked with them. He didn’t sit in an office or preach from a pulpit. He was an ordinary carpenter who also happened to turn water in to wine and heal the sick. He used language they could understand and spoke in parables, stories from things they could relate to.
What would it have been like if he had instead called Himself the Most Holy Reverend Messiah Jesus? He would have had every right to do so for that was who He was. But he never gave himself that title. He did allow Himself to be called Rabbi, but He instructed His disciples not to let people call them that.
8 “But you are not to be called ‘Rabbi,’ for you have one Teacher, and you are all brothers. 9 And do not call anyone on earth ‘father,’ for you have one Father, and he is in heaven. 10 Nor are you to be called instructors, for you have one Instructor, the Messiah. 11 The greatest among you will be your servant. 12 For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.”
Matthew 23:8-12 NIV
Have we not replaced the term Rabbi with Pastor? Forgive me for being so direct about this! I don’t mean to offend, but these are things we must consider if we want to launch movements.
3. Titles make us susceptible to pride – the allure of power that comes from position.
I’m not saying everyone who uses a title has an issue with pride. But it can become connected to our identity, and we can be tempted to lean on a title rather than on our life in God. Be careful. Titles can also cause a fear of being vulnerable and open with those you lead. We don’t want to “fall off the pedestal” or be ashamed before others when they find out we are normal people. Titles sometimes make us feel we are above others and can cause some leaders to cling to power rather than freely give it away.
De-emphasize Titles
If you already use a title like Pastor or Bishop, it’s not easy to change that. You can choose not to use it about yourself or require it to be used. You can tell people, “Just call me Fred. I’m an ordinary guy!” Give people permission to relate to you as a human being and fellow disciple, not as a person in a position.
Yes, you may lose some respect. But it’s respect that wasn’t based on the right things.
Let’s live before others as a example. True leaders lead out of influence not position. People follow us because they see Jesus in our lives.
How have titles hindered multiplication in your area? Share in the comments below or on the DMMs Frontier Missions Facebook group.
Thank you for sharing your ideas , but I will like to ask you few questions: Matt. 10:2, Luke 6:13 Acts 2:23, Acts 13:1, Acts 14:13 , Act 15:22, Luke 10:1, Hebr. 3:1, Eph. 2:20 ,Luke 11:47 , 1 Tim. 5:22 ,1 Cor. 12:28,
Eph. 4:11. I have many bible verses which shows me about titles in the church.
Don’t push people to believe your convictions which is not in the Bible . Are you really disciple of Christ?
Thanks for sharing your question brother. Yes, I am a disciple of Christ! 🙂 We may not agree with each other but let’s not say that kind of thing to each other okay? It’s not helpful if you want to have a meaningful and real dialogue about these issues.
Certainly, the verses you mentioned use the term apostle (I just took time to look at the first two you mentioned there). The Greek word there is apostolous. It means one who is commissioned or sent by Christ. See the Strongs concordance. Its the same in Ephesians 4:11. This is not talking about a title. It’s talking about a responsibility…to go out with His message.
ἀποστόλους (apostolous)
Noun – Accusative Masculine Plural
Strong’s Greek 652: From apostello; a delegate; specially, an ambassador of the Gospel; officially a commissioner of Christ
Thank you for excellent teaching/writting. Absoluately it is not Biblical.
I have face lot of questions from Pastors, Decones and lay man for baptizing and having memorial meeting (breaking of bread and wine).
Because I do not have any theological back ground and not a ordinated pastors. So they wishpring to the new belivers that your baptism is not correct and he can not do this. You will be thundered to hear that one of our so called Bishop deployed Gun man for his security.
There is a minister here in Nigeria who is doing great exploit for the Lord in disciple people more than title bearing and office holders popular men
He’s just being address as a brother.
But i don’t think the pitfalls is in answering to this title’s but the consciousness and expectations of the same.
I’m grateful to God for coming in contact with you. Titles does not qualify anyone for heaven but Christ like nature. God bless you ma’am
Thank you for this teaching as it has enlightened me to know know that it is good to identify with people rather than being respected because of a name or position. It removes the freedom of people to interact with you freely.
I agree with you, the titles brings about division in the body of Christ as some tent to think that they are minor while others are major and by so doing fear can also be conceived.
Yes titles make people proud and makes others worship creation rather than the creator. Because of titles some men of God are now been worshipped rather God.It makes many people lazy instead of consulting God they will rather consult this title holders
Indeed!! Title has hindered me in disciple making because everyone around me feels inferior. Only the pastor can teach , baptize , lead in the holy communion. They can not do what a disciple is supposed to do according to Matthew 28:18-20.
My question is : How do I address this ? Because my culture is a culture of respect through Titles . And our people relate well with this cultural thing.
Train and teach them about the priesthood of all believers. Encourage them to call you brother or sister instead of Reverend or Pastor. I understand that in many cultures, using just a name feels disrespectful. Pray about it! God will lead you to the best solution. The aim is to make sure all feel empowered and valuable and equal before the throne and not to elevate pastors and leaders above ordinary people.
Know the truth and the truth shall make you free. I have seen people with tittle living miserably when they failed to do or behave in a certain manner in which the community expect of them due to their titles. As a person with tittle, people expect you to be all knowing, efficient and able to perceivere in all conditions yet they are normal people with blood.
With a title of a bishop, pastor or evangelist, people expect you to carry enough power and faith to cast out demons and heal disease yet when you fail to do as they expect, they begin to question what kind of a bishop you are.
It is good for us to let the people know that we are normal people like them and what we do, they can also do.
I once heard that title are not entitlement abd that statement entered me so much ….yes title may have their own positive side but doing the work the father has committed to us and finishing well is the biggest title we can ever be proud of .
Thank you for opening my eyes about titles. What matters is the nature of christ being revealed in us. Coming to the term mother and father in my culture, Elderly are addressed as mothers or fathers without mentioning their names of which lm comfortable too.
This is very true. I have now seen men of God with bodyguards holding a gun walking side by side meaning you can’t access them even if you had a personal need. Well said and done am a teacher and am proud of this and I always feel nice when learners are calling me teacher even after they have grown to be adults. Is this also not acceptable.
It can be respectful and it can be a barrier. If they are people you are training as disciple-makers, I’d try to model the priesthood of all by asking them to just call me Sister instead of Teacher.
Tittles are good, but for the sake of our work as DMM leaders, let us distance ourselves from it so that we can come to the level of those we disciple.
We have to do exactly what Jesus Christ tald His disciples to be doing that you should not call yourself, Rabbi because we have one Rabbi, you should not call anyone, Father, because we have one, Father.Call yourself, sisters or brothers.What is there is to do exactly what Jesus said and nothing else if we are dreaming to enter the Kingdom of God.
Your correct. Many people in church lobby for titles in church. Many of them don’t actually merit those titles. As a result of that, title holders in church today in my country don’t have the kind of respect pastors use to have many years ago.
To me talking about title in the body of Christ is not much necessary. A true child of God must know that this doesn’t guarantee holiness or heaven at last. But we must not completely ignore people positional responsibilities.
Cynthia, thank you for highlighting this, you are right that these titles separate God’s children so much that is difficult for us to build a sound, meaningful, and intimate relationship with each other, let us be servants as our Lord had said. Your love, kind response to those asked questions was remarkable, you have already modeled the disciple – maker, appreciation thanks
Thanks for the feedback and encouragement!
Waauuh so much interesting in the above comment.
As per my understanding, we are followers of Jesus Christ and we are suppose to follow his foot steps,
Jesus did not put his focus on title but honour his father (GOD)as per his call he was send to.
Now my brothers and sisters title in ministry is not a bad things. it’s allow people around you to understand your call. But don’t value title than services in that call.
Many people forget there calls or services and remained with title.
Title brings gap between you and members,but services bring you together as one with members so don’t focus on titles but services you are called to do, if you do this title will come itself but don’t value it so much.
Remember title can bring you down if value it so much this because it’s a world gift, so examine yourself.
I really amazing madam because titles give some people pride which sometimes causes sin and it also generates a big gap between people.
Thanks sister
Indeed titles in the scriptures are there showing what you are in the ministry.The same here some Bishops,Apostles they do worries if someone call them without mentioning his title .As believers let as focus on the salvation we have in Jesus and be witnessing to others in a humble way as Jesus did.