Most of us want our lives to make an impact. We long for significance. God put the desire inside us. He wants us to leave a unique and lasting mark on our world. In part, this could be what motivates us to pursue DMMs. It is the nature of movements to see thousands coming to …
Yes, it is God who heals, but He does this healing work through people. He heals through me and you. We heal people by His power, not our own.
To multiply disciple-makers it is vital that we live as disciple-makers ourselves. We need to make disciples like Jesus did.
One of the things I appreciate about the T4T (Training for Trainers) approach is how every meeting begins in the first section with reporting on what you have done the past week to apply what you learned before. Likewise, every meeting ends with the setting of new goals. How are you going to obey and …
Long-term, pioneer, frontier missionaries can get a bit cynical. We’ve seen lots of problems. Many things have gone wrong over years of service. It is easy to start to see the negative, rather than the positive in both people and situations. When God sends young people your way on short-term mission teams, seeing them as …