Do you have a love-hate relationship with New Year’s resolutions? You’re not alone. We love the opportunity to have a fresh start, a new beginning. We resolve to do better this year in those difficult areas of our lives like health, exercise, and other things. At the same time, goal setting can be disillusioning. Year …
As the old year passes and a new year begins I find myself doing something similar to what we do in a 3 part disciple makers meeting. Taking time to reflect, pray, and listen is one of my important rituals each New Year’s Eve and Day. This year I’ll be sitting on my porch, Bible open, …
This is a busy time of year! What Christmas priorities have you set during this festive season? I love December. It’s festive and full of parties, food, traditions, and fun. I enjoy making special cookies, buying gifts for those I love, and all that the holidays bring. Over the last few years though, I’ve been …
There is no time like Christmas to share the story of Jesus! A few days ago, a pastor friend asked in a group of pastors “How will you keep Christ at the center of your Christmas celebrations?” My response flew immediately to my fingers (and keyboard). The best way to keep Jesus central during the …
Christmas is a busy time of year. It’s also a perfect time to strike up spiritual conversations with people you come in contact with. How do you start? What can you say to open the door to meaningful engagement and dialogue with lost people around you? Starting a Conversation She sat next to me on …
Green people? Are we talking about Martians? Nope. In every disciple-making group, there are different kinds of people. Check out this video to further understand the four types of people in every group. Read further to understand how to help red and yellow people become green or blue! CLICK HERE TO WATCH VIDEO It is …
A Disciple Making Movement (DMM) practitioner is always thinking about multiplication. Can those you trained, immediately train others in the same way? If not, your training style may need to be adjusted. Everything you do in disciple-making must pass the test of reproducibility. We don’t get “rabbit” churches that multiply quickly when we complicate things. Did …
Ever make a To-Do list and found it far too long? Realized that no one could do all those things in the time available? Or maybe you don’t make lists, but you do experience a sense of inner pressure to produce. You constantly have too much to do. Disappointing people around you by not completing …
Pioneering is tough. One can feel alone, overwhelmed, and under-resourced. Partnerships are sometimes a great solution to this sense of isolation. They may bring powerful solutions to the starkly felt gaps in the team or ministry. Or, they can cause even more problems. Some kinds of partnerships later become obstacles for those wanting to release …
This week I’m privileged to introduce you to a fellow trainer and coach. In this short video, he addresses the question of how DMMs grow, strictly from a New Testament perspective. In Disciple Making Movements, everything we do and train others to do needs to be built on the foundation of what we see in …