My previous blog was about Praying with Faith. That is the first key to seeing breakthroughs in Disciple-Making Movements. Another important key for breakthrough and growth is perseverance. I’ve given it the number two slot in my list of keys because without it, you simply don’t get to multiplication or movement. When people first hear …
In the coming weeks, I want to share some keys to seeing breakthroughs that lead to a Disciple Making Movement. The first one is praying with faith. Let’s begin by considering a funny story I read not long ago. A journalist was assigned to the Jerusalem bureau of his newspaper. He gets an apartment overlooking …
A few years ago, my husband took on a big project. He put a new floor on the lower level of our home. Our good friend Joe, came over to help. Thankfully, he brought special tools with him. These were things we didn’t have. What a blessing it was to have the right equipment to …
Studying God’s Word brings life, transformation, and hope. Both believers and seekers encounter God in His living Word. Only studying the Bible together, is not enough. Disciples need to function and grow together as the body of Christ. DMM practitioners must learn to transition new Discovery Bible Studies with seekers into fully functioning churches. Without …
We joyfully baptized four people in the nearby river. On the short drive back to the home of one of those who’d taken this step, we sang songs of praise to Jesus. Smiles beamed off the faces of these new followers of Christ. My grin was very broad as well. I was overwhelmed with joy.
Do you have a love-hate relationship with New Year’s resolutions? You’re not alone. We love the opportunity to have a fresh start, a new beginning. We resolve to do better this year in those difficult areas of our lives like health, exercise, and other things. At the same time, goal setting can be disillusioning. Year …
Green people? Are we talking about Martians? Nope. In every disciple-making group, there are different kinds of people. Check out this video to further understand the four types of people in every group. Read further to understand how to help red and yellow people become green or blue! CLICK HERE TO WATCH VIDEO It is …
Ever make a To-Do list and found it far too long? Realized that no one could do all those things in the time available? Or maybe you don’t make lists, but you do experience a sense of inner pressure to produce. You constantly have too much to do. Disappointing people around you by not completing …
This week I’m privileged to introduce you to a fellow trainer and coach. In this short video, he addresses the question of how DMMs grow, strictly from a New Testament perspective. In Disciple Making Movements, everything we do and train others to do needs to be built on the foundation of what we see in …
One of the things I appreciate about the T4T (Training for Trainers) approach is how every meeting begins in the first section with reporting on what you have done the past week to apply what you learned before. Likewise, every meeting ends with the setting of new goals. How are you going to obey and …