Rice, meat, spices, herbs, onion, garlic…you make your list and go to the market, if you are cooking an Indian meal. Before making a special meal, you first prepare the ingredients you need. You wouldn’t want to start cooking and then have to stop and run to the store, right? In the same way, as …
My husband and I like to run at least one half-marathon each year. To get a decent time in a 21 K race, you need a good strategy. If you start too fast in the beginning, you won’t get a good time. You have to slow yourself down at the start, to speed up at …
What is all the “fuss” about? Why are people passionate about Disciple Making Movements or Church Planting Movements? Are they just another missions “fad”? Some have said these are the only way forward to fulfill the Great Commission, but some speak out against them. If you are reading this and you’ve been attempting to start …
There is a simple way to almost immediately double or triple the number of people you are reaching with the gospel. What could that be? If you properly understand the key roles women can play in Disciple Making Movements (DMMs), your discipleship fruit will leap forward. They may even double or triple. The tremendous potential …
Who does God delight in revealing Himself to? Who does He so often choose to spread His message of love? Is it the qualified and highly trained? Or the ordinary person? This Advent season, I’ve been reading again the incredible story of Jesus’ birth. There is so much to be amazed about, ponder, and think about …
This time of year can be a bit stressful. We have so much to do, we sometimes miss the glory of what God is doing. We look right past it. We see but don’t see. For me, the end of the year is when I look back on the past year. This past week I’ve …
“We never had any idea what was really happening until we started using generational growth charts in our training,” the church planting leader said with a broad smile. “Now we can actually see our progress and where the problems are!” It is not uncommon for Disciple Making Movement trainers to be in a similar position. …
On New Year’s Eve, I wrote a post called “3 Important Things to Do as You Start the New Year.” I hope you took the time to think about the questions I listed there. Have you started thinking about your goals for the coming year? As you are goal setting for disciple making movements, I …
How do you move from a disciple-making dream to the reality of seeing a movement? Discover four important steps.
Rabbits are one of the fastest animals in the world to multiply. Did you know that one rabbit averages around 1000 babies in a lifetime? If one rabbit has 1000, and those rabbits have another 1000 babies…you do the math. Within a very short amount of time, you have a lot of rabbits! When talking …