Do you have a love-hate relationship with New Year’s resolutions? You’re not alone. We love the opportunity to have a fresh start, a new beginning. We resolve to do better this year in those difficult areas of our lives like health, exercise, and other things. At the same time, goal setting can be disillusioning. Year …
Yes, it is God who heals, but He does this healing work through people. He heals through me and you. We heal people by His power, not our own.
On New Year’s Eve, I wrote a post called “3 Important Things to Do as You Start the New Year.” I hope you took the time to think about the questions I listed there. Have you started thinking about your goals for the coming year? As you are goal setting for disciple making movements, I …
Do you ever struggle with faith that Disciple Making Movements are possible? Or possible in your area? Or possible through you? I certainly have. I’m not proud of it, but it is true. Sometimes in what Michael Hyatt calls the “messy middle,” we stop believing. The “messy middle” is a place between the vision’s beginning …
Disciple Making Movements, or DMMs, are a mission and church multiplication paradigm that has gained momentum in recent years. For most who pursue them, however, they are far more than a strategy. They are a passion. A desperate sense of urgency to see lost people come to know Christ drives them to the costly pursuit …
Every single second someone in India dies not having heard the gospel. That’s 60 people in a minute. Each one is precious to God. The number of hairs on their head are known by Him. He watched them cry and laugh. He saw their joys and pain. Yet they die, having never heard of His …
“I’m living by faith. If God wants it to happen, it will. ” This sounds so spiritual. It can, however, deceptively hide an unwillingness to risk failure or work hard. Sometimes we unknowingly deceive ourselves. We remain passive instead of stepping out to do something new or difficult. We struggle to believe that God will …
As we work in Disciple Making Movements, it is common for us to think that we need more. We think, “If we only had more money it would be so much easier to do what we are called to do. if we had more workers…we would finally get results,” we tell ourselves. Or, “If we …
Be honest. Have you ever complained that the people you are trying to reach are harder to reach than the people in another place? I have. I hear this a lot from those we train. It’s human nature to think that where we work is a more difficult place than anywhere else. Frustrated with our …
A Disciple Making Movement trainer I know uses this question with potential seekers. “If God were to do a miracle for you today, what would it be?” Let them answer, then pray for whatever they said. Watch and see what God will do. This simple evangelism strategy makes room for God to show off His …