My previous blog was about Praying with Faith. That is the first key to seeing breakthroughs in Disciple-Making Movements. Another important key for breakthrough and growth is perseverance. I’ve given it the number two slot in my list of keys because without it, you simply don’t get to multiplication or movement. When people first hear …
As the old year passes and a new year begins I find myself doing something similar to what we do in a 3 part disciple makers meeting. Taking time to reflect, pray, and listen is one of my important rituals each New Year’s Eve and Day. This year I’ll be sitting on my porch, Bible open, …
Our beliefs about who we are dramatically impact our behavior. In a recent blog, I wrote about the reality that we are people God has chosen to bear much fruit. We are God’s chosen instruments. It is a beautiful thing to be chosen by Him to do His work. In this article, I will focus …
Burnout! A common condition we hate to see fellow workers walk through. Depression. A mental health issue more common in ministry leader’s lives than you would think. Marital difficulty or divorce. Again, not unusual. Heart attack! Almost predictable in busy leaders who don’t take care of their health. As I write that, I think about …
Do you ever struggle with faith that Disciple Making Movements are possible? Or possible in your area? Or possible through you? I certainly have. I’m not proud of it, but it is true. Sometimes in what Michael Hyatt calls the “messy middle,” we stop believing. The “messy middle” is a place between the vision’s beginning …
Disciple Making Movements, or DMMs, are a mission and church multiplication paradigm that has gained momentum in recent years. For most who pursue them, however, they are far more than a strategy. They are a passion. A desperate sense of urgency to see lost people come to know Christ drives them to the costly pursuit …
Every single second someone in India dies not having heard the gospel. That’s 60 people in a minute. Each one is precious to God. The number of hairs on their head are known by Him. He watched them cry and laugh. He saw their joys and pain. Yet they die, having never heard of His …
Kidnapping and even martyrdom are possibilities. Unusual illnesses are common. Intense spiritual warfare and stressed out marriages- sign me up! I want to start a DMM. Or not. It is no joke to pursue the launching of a Disciple Making Movement (DMM) among the Unreached. Suffering and Disciple Making Movements seem to go hand in …
The New Year approaches! What plans and purposes does God have for us in the year to come? Here are three things I will be doing to get ready for the coming year. Join me in prayerfully going through these steps. 1. REFLECT. Before rushing ahead into a new year, hit the pause button. Stop …
On May 6th, 1954 Sir Roger Bannister did something that everyone said was impossible. He ran a mile in less than 4 minutes. Up until then, people had said it was an unbreakable barrier. Doctors made strong statements saying it was not only dangerous to try to run a mile in less than 4 minutes. …