My name is C. Anderson. I serve with a group of people who are passionate about seeing disciple making movements take off in unreached peoples groups around the globe. I’ve been serving as a church planter, coach, trainer, and speaker about multiplying movements of disciples for the past twenty-five years. Most of my experience is in Asia, but I’ve worked in other areas too.
I’ve been privileged to see quite a number of movements take off. God has been good. I’m still learning almost every day, though, as I exchange ideas with other trainers, experiment with new tools and listen to God about how to more effectively make disciples of the Last, Least and Lost.
This blog comes along side anyone who wants to see thousands of lost people become disciples that make more disciples. It is specifically focused on those who are working among unreached peoples, but the discipleship principles I write about here will benefit any disciple maker.
Each week I write a blog with helpful tips, keys to breakthroughs, things to avoid, inspiration and encouragement for your journey toward the release of a movement of Jesus followers. I also include links that will point you toward other great resources to help you as well. In the near future I hope to create podcasts, e-books and other resources specifically geared toward getting disciple makers to the next step in the movement process.
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Here are some posts that have been the most helpful to people pursuing a disciple making movement and also to those who want to get their discipleship efforts to move forward in new ways.
If you would like to know a bit more about me, you can read about me on my Amazon Author’s page.
I absolutely welcome your feedback, questions or comments on the posts I write or other resources from this site. We are here to serve and help you until multiplication truly becomes organic and exponential. We will walk with you through that process in any way we can.
If you would like to contact me do feel free to do that.
Send me an email at and I will get back to you soon!
C. Anderson