Are movements happening in the United States as well? We hear today from Cory Osbun of the KC Underground about what God is doing in Kansas City as ordinary people are becoming missional in their own unique contexts. He speaks of the importance of patience, persistence and about de-emphasizing multiplication in the early stages.
Find out more about Kansas City Underground at
Key Points from this episode:
- God is using regular people who are living on mission to multiply disciples and groups in extraordinary ways.
- “Decentralized fruit” is not about bringing everyone into your program or church but instead helping them to develop their own network and mission location right where they live and work.
- Insiders are more effective in reaching people than outsiders. Sometimes professional clergy are outsiders while more “ordinary people” are insiders to their context and thus more fruitful there.
- Patience is key. We are willing to fail a lot as we pursue movements.
- Movements are a lot of slow things happening all at once.
- A focus on multiplication too early can be detrimental. Transformation needs to take place.
- There is a balance between going after deep transformative work in lives while also releasing people to multiply. Different people are ready for different speeds of growth.
- In an American context, we often have to build a relational container for the movement to grow.
- Look for “leaders of peace” who are already connected in various communities.
Links Mentioned in This Episode:
Kansas City Underground Website
Order The Multiplier’s Mindset Book
Getting Started in Disciple Making Movements Course