Episode 65: 3 Things to Expect When Pursuing Movements



As human beings, we like to know what to expect. In this episode, Cynthia shares about three things we can expect to face as we pursue the multiplication of disciples and the launching of movements.

Key Points from this episode:

  • Expect set backs and slowdowns. 1 Peter 4:12. Don’t be surprised by them. They are normal.  It doesn’t mean you’ve done anything wrong.
  • Jesus took time to grieve, to get away with His father and talk to Him about losses and disappointments.  So should we.  
  • Expect opposition. Matthew 5:10-12.  When we are persecuted, we are like our Master Jesus.
  • Practice extravagant forgiveness. Refuse to take offense when people oppose you.
  • Give up your right to be understood by everyone.  
  • Refocus on the lost and the needs around you rather than allowing yourself to be focused on those who don’t agree with you.
  • Expect Supernatural breakthroughs.  Acts 5:12 God loves to do signs and wonders through ordinary people who step out in faith to believe Him for great things.
  • When these great things happen, allow it to grow your awe of God.
  • Breakthroughs can spur our faith to believe for even greater things and to aim higher.


Links Mentioned in This Episode:

Order The Multiplier’s Mindset Book

Getting Started in Disciple Making Movements Course

Pursuing Disciple Making Movements in the Frontiers Blog

Cynthia Anderson on Twitter

Cynthia Anderson on Instagram

DMMs Frontier Missions Facebook



    I`m delighted with your message knowing where you are going!
    I too like knowing where iam going. this is very good

    I love this Episode, it has encouraged me and lifted me up eliminated my fear and doubt. thank you Cynthia!

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