I’d always wanted to be fruitful in God’s kingdom. I’d longed to make a true difference. But doubt filled my heart. Would God really use me to start Disciple-Making Movements? Was I the right kind of person? Did I have it in me? I was unsure of my disciple-making capacity and identity.
Looking back on my years in missions, and saw lots of evidence pointing toward the possibility that the answer to my question was “no”. False starts. Failed attempts. Unsaved people I’d made friendships with but never managed to share the good news with, or not very effectively anyhow.
Was it unwise to even hope that God would want to start a movement of disciples through me? Maybe I was setting myself up for failure and further disappointment by embracing this goal.
If you can identify with what you just read, you are not alone. Most people who God calls to his Kingdom work of seeing multiplication among the unreached feel that way at one time or another. ( Sometimes fairly regularly. What is our baseline? What do we go back to when deciding whether or not Disciple Making Movements (DMMs) are for us? Note: Sometimes we have to decide and re-decide this fairly often.
My Biblical Baseline
In this post and the next few that follow, I’d like to give you my scriptural baseline. This is where my foundation of faith that God can use me to start DMMs comes from.
You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit—fruit that will last—and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you.– John 15:16 NIV
That is my bottom line. God chose and ordained me to bear lasting fruit. This is where I derive the core of my disciple-making identity.
Out of all the millions of people on this planet, He looked around, saw me and said, “I want her on my team.” Remember those days back in elementary school, when they picked teams for kickball? It felt so good to be chosen by the captain to play for their team!

God chose you!
That is exactly what God has done for you. He chose you to play on His team. God chose you to bear fruit that would last. That is what this verse proclaims!
It takes away the ifs and buts of DMMs. Its not about if I am smart enough, capable enough, outgoing enough, persevering enough, or anything else (fill in the blank) enough! All we need to know is that we are His chosen ones. Since He chose us; He will coach us, train us, guide us, empower us, anoint us, and use us to bear much fruit in His Kingdom.
Stop doubting and dive in. Declare it in faith. Speak to your soul and tell yourself, “God chose me, yes me! He chose me to be fruitful. That is what His Word says and I believe it. I declare it today. By His power and according to His truth, I can and will be a fruitful disciple-maker.” Amen?
keep on writing these posts, its so helpful for upcoming young workers like me..
So glad you found it helpful! Thanks for the encouragement to keep writing.
It’s really blessed because that God chose is to bear fruits.amen
What a joy and privilege to know I am choosen to go and bring forth lasting fruit. Thank you Jesus!!
Fico muito feliz pela grande palavra transformadora e encorajadora que Deus continue trabalhando nas nossas vidas para fazer mais seguidores
I want to thank you for this article, as it an assurance again to me even though I have faced disappointments in my efforts to do evanglism and discipleship. You have made the word I received in 1992 found in Acts 13:47 to come alive again.
To this I pray. Father, you that you gave me your word in Acts 13:47, I ask that you coach me, train me, guide me, empower me, anoint me, and use me to bear much fruit in your Kingdom in Jesus name. Amen
Thank you C. Anderson for sharing this article on God’s appointment.
It is a great joy for me to be assured that God chose and appointed me to go and bear fruit that remains. Currently, prayer is my starting point. Asking Jesus Christ to lead and connect me to those He has prepared to receive His Gospel.
this is incredible materials i have been yearning for many years. my turn is to go and multiply the disciples of Jesus Christ.
it’s my prayer that lord lead to those who are calling for salvation.
thanks for DMM
God bless the group
Amen! May God use you mightily Erick!
Great to hear from you Cynthia. Gos does not make a mistake of choosing his people. Really I have been chosen for a purpose. The The Lord is always empowering us to save souls and make disciples .Bearing fruits is the will of God and our. Availability will accomplish his purpose.God richly bless you as you share your life to challenge us.
I am looking for ways to find a person of peace .
Hi Byron. Have you seen our free resource on how to find a person of peace? https://dmmsfrontiermissions.ck.page/cdb49e5e90
Quite encouraging and full of insight.Thanks for the valuable post
Thanks Kunle. Blessings.
Thank you so much. It’s a wonderful encouragement and lessons for me. Really I am frustrated and want to live the work.
Through you writings again I get hope n encouraged to restart with prayer. please Pray for me and continue this type of real life.
May God encourage your heart by His Spirit today Prince and give you life and hope. He is the God who is able to do the impossible, the God who fed the 5,000, who healed the sick and raised the dead. And He has given us His Spirit and promise. Persevere and continue to obey Him. He will do the hard things…
I think I have found what I was looking for, I’m interested in making disciples who will make other disciples.
May God bless all those involved in equipping servants of God.I will go were God assigns me to go and make disciples who will make other disciples.
Thank you.God bless you all.
Yes, God’s call to us is through his Spirit. This is what we are to believe.
God calling me for his team what great opportunity. Thank you for the article.
You are most welcome. May God help you continue to walk in the reality of who you are in Christ!
Your ministry is so special, God is so real in your ministry I could feel His presence so powerful on me as I am typing because of the inspiration received from your article I read just now. I’m proud of you, Mama. Please don’t stop praying for me. Thank you, Ma
Thank you Prosper for your words of encouragement! I’m so grateful that God has used this website to inspire and minister to you. Keep coming back and share it with others! Blessings.
Thanks for this biblical teaching and encouragement. This reassurance is so real and practical. He has chosen, anoint, and empower me for His glory to bring forth fruit that will last.
I am encouraged.
The LORD continue to use you in this capacity to inspire many in their walk/work of faith in Christ. Amen
Thank you C. Anderson for this article and consistent follow up with the right resource on disciple making. You are such a blessing. You are influencing the next generation of disciple makers already. God bless you and continue to use you to His glory
You are very right because in John 15:8 Jesus says I chose you to bear much fruits. This article encourages me very much. Thanks
We are happy to hear that Lennox! May God continue to lead you forward.
This teaching is helping me in my mission field. As we speak am presently in la Cote D’Ivoire specifically in Daloa and Bonon planting a 2 new churches and making disciples for Christ.
Hope to get a good feedback from you.
God bless you.
So happy to hear that! Many blessings.
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