What am I doing wrong? Discover important keys you may be missing.

We get stuck. Disciples and groups don’t always multiply. I’ve developed this short e-book to help you. Grab your copy today and discover key actions you may not know are vitally important. Get your movement moving fast!
Vijay’s Story
Vijay, was an Indian church planter. He was hard-working and diligent. After many years of effort he had started a handful of house churches. Sadly, those groups were not growing very quickly.
Day in and day out he shared the gospel, visited interested seekers and tried his best to disciple those he had led to Christ. “When will God do something to bring true revival and multiplication?” he wondered.
The millions of unreached people in his region disturbed his heart. ” There are so many more that need to hear this good news!” He knew, though, that he was just one man. Working harder was not an option. He already invested his time in ministry from morning to night. What was the solution?
This brother attended one of our trainings and began to learn how to start a Disciple Making Movement. Step by step he gained skills and knowledge about how to turn that handful of first generation house churches into a movement of disciple-makers.
In just a few years, his movement grew from less than a hundred believers to over a thousand. There are more than 80 house churches now that are multiplying rapidly. Each group trains leaders from new groups. Those disciples then start new generations of groups. It continues to spread. The disciple-making movement in his area now has more than 850 believers. It’s all happened in just a few years.
Vijay started by finding out how to get those first believers to multiply. He learned how to develop the right DNA in those early groups.
As they worked with Vijay, his trainers used this check list to help him develop the right elements for multiplication in those very first groups.
I am excited to partner with you and the Holy Spirit to see the same kinds of changes in your church planting and discipleship work. Without a clear multiplication strategy, guidance and input, you could easily stay stuck at the first generation growth level. God has so much more for you and the work He has called you to!
Sign up below and each week you will recieve a new article with encouragement and insights about how to start a Disciple Making Movement (DMM) in your own area. Get these blogs in your inbox. That way you won’t miss a post that could be key in bringing about this shift for you and your work.
Blessings on your journey forward! Let me know how I can help.
C. Anderson
1st Generation Skills

Get a free checklist of Skills needed for first generation disciples/trainees to move forward. Assess these skills and see faithful disciples turn into fruitful disciples.