In the coming weeks, I want to share some keys to seeing breakthroughs that lead to a Disciple Making Movement. The first one is praying with faith.
Let’s begin by considering a funny story I read not long ago.
A journalist was assigned to the Jerusalem bureau of his newspaper. He gets an apartment overlooking the Wailing Wall. After several weeks he realizes that whenever he looks at the wall he sees an old Jewish man praying vigorously. The journalist wondered whether there was a publishable story here. He goes down to the wall, introduces himself, and says: “You come every day to the wall. What are you praying for?”
The old man replies: “What am I praying for? In the morning I pray for world peace, then I pray for the brotherhood of man. I go home, have a glass of tea, and I come back to the wall to pray for the eradication of illness and disease from the earth.”
The journalist is taken by the old man’s sincerity and persistence. “You mean you have been coming to the wall to pray every day for these things?”
The old man nods.
“How long have you been coming to the wall to pray for these things?”
The old man becomes reflective and then replies: “How long? Maybe twenty, twenty-five years.”
The amazed journalist finally asks: “How does it feel to come and pray every day for over 20 years for these things?”
“How does it feel?” the old man replies. “It feels like I’m talking to a wall.”*
Frustrated With Prayer?
Do you ever feel that way about prayer? Frustrated, or like it isn’t making much difference? Ever feel like it is something we do first before we get to the “real work” of church planting and disciple-making?
There have been times in my life when I felt like prayer was a duty and a chore more than a joy. Honest confession!
I’m glad to say, that has changed a lot for me in the past few years. Prayer is now a great blessing to me. Prayer is my first priority. I now see it as some of the most meaningful kingdom work in my life. I have repeatedly seen God use prayer to dramatically impact the amount of fruit He releases. I’m sure that other who have seen Disciple Making Movements truly multiply would say the same.
Not all prayer feels fruitful or produces those results, however. What makes the difference?
Jesus And The Fig Tree
In Matthew 21, there is an unusual little story of Jesus and a fig tree. Jesus is hungry. He sees a tree without fruit. A bit frustrated (it seems), He curses it and it withers. His disciples are amazed at His power and they comment about it. He then tells them, this is nothing…

What makes the difference in our prayers? Faith. When we pray with faith, amazing answers are released. Prayer becomes much more exciting. It becomes much more effective.
Jesus wants us to embrace a child-like faith when we pray for the lost, for those we train, and for the release of movements among the unreached.
Praying With Faith Like A Child
I had a pretty amazing childhood growing up in West Africa. One of the perks of living there was that my dad decided to buy me a new pet every birthday. That was pretty fun!
One year he bought me a parrot- an African Gray. The problem was, this parrot wouldn’t talk. We previously had another parrot that talked a lot, so we kept trying to teach our new parrot (his name was Mark). Sadly, he just didn’t seem to have it in him.

One day, my dad said, “If that parrot doesn’t talk by the end of this month, I’m going to get rid of it!”
I was so upset! My tender ten-year-old heart was shaken. I started praying daily for the parrot to talk….together with all manner of other tactics. I tried to make Mark spit out his first parrot words. Nothing. Nada. I kept praying. I knew God could help him talk!
On the very last day of the month, (this is the absolute truth) my dad walked into the empty house. No one else was there. Do you know what happened?
The parrot said, “Hello Jerry” (my dad’s name)! Prayer answered! Parrot saved.
Praying with faith goes a long way. Jesus said, “If you believe…”
Pray With Authority
God wants us to pray from a place of faith, not out of duty. He wants us to pray from a place of authority. We pray knowing that He has promised us an inheritance among the unreached and that He will be faithful to release it. Pray specifically and consistently. Believe that, as Jesus said in Luke 10:2, “the harvest is plentiful.”
When I pray in this way, I get excited. I know the answer is coming. I know it is impossible for me to pray and for God to do nothing.** As soon as I pray, I know God is taking action. Angels have been sent on assignments as a result of my prayers. He is working. I get to be part of that!
Take a moment…I know you are busy, but just a short one. Stop and think about your prayer life. Is it what you want it to be? What needs to change? How could you pray differently so you enjoy it more and see your prayers produce better results too?
Prayer is a major key to seeing the release of movements of disciples. It’s not hard to do. Just get started.
Start Now
Why not take 5 minutes right now to pray for the lost around you, and for those you are discipling?
Then, plan a time this week to set aside further time for prayer.
You will be taking an important step forward in releasing a Disciple Making Movement (DMM).
What helps you stay motivated in your prayer life? I’d love to hear that in the comments below!
*Joke was taken from **I believe I first heard this idea after listening to something from Bethel Church’s LDP program.
Well said! Keep up the jokes and personal experience stories. I love your parrot story. I myself feel empty so often and find that creates the spiritual hunger that propels me to my knees.
Thanks Judy! Appreciate your encouragement. I’ve got some fun stories coming up that I think you will enjoy! Blessings!
Thank you for the real stories you have shared
Thank you dmmsfrontiermission for the word of encouragement ,this is mean that any place any way are put for a prayer. because God are within in a given place .May God continued oiling your knowledge to expose the fruit you have given to dived it among your people you train. perhaps it will be fruitful from those who gain it from you and exposed it somewhere even from the generation to come thanks a lot and God bless you.
Amen 🙏 that’s great you are blessing us keep it up God 🙏 bless you
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My God Be WITH you
Thank you! And with you also.
I’m really interested Visa and English language I’m experience marketing business seals and education level SSC high secondary language 1ly bengoli I’m very mecuyed thank you
Very inspirational story really prayer is powerful weapon to face our battle let’s pray for bulldozer anointment gift from our living God Jesus Christ so we can defeat the ruler of world please pray for each other let fruits of Holy Spirit guide us
Thank you so much for sharing very touching massage
Okay I’m really interested
What help me motivated in prayer is
God said in Deuteronomy 10:17 that he’s supreme over everything thing, it means if we’re for him every thing that we need will be fulfilled, this world motivate me so much.
Secondly he said in book of John 14:13 that everything we asked in his name will be done this also motivated me a lot
My prayers. Dear father in the name of your son jesus I pray that you help me understand your words and give me wisdom to apply it to other people, may you also help those who are willing to teach us your words give them all that is required for their mission, I pray all these in the name of your son jesus Christ, Amen.
Thanks for sharing that. So good!
The great commission is too big for us to limit it to only one group.We connot afford to marginalized half of the body of Christ and expect the good news to spread across the the Earth.mathew28:18-20 , Acts 1:8 and Mark 16:15. The church needs every willing vessels to step up unto their calling whether male or female. Let us study the word with open heart, not just strong Opinion. The goal is to make disciples and training them to multiply. Director Cynthia are doing good job in the entire world. Phoebe was a deaconess and the one entrusted with delivering Paul letter to the Roman.paul called her a leader and benefactor to many. Junia was recognized as Outstanding among the apostles Roman 16:7 Am a trainer and a disciples making movement in Meru county in Kenya. God bless Director Cynthia.
Amen 🙏 may God do for him
Prayer with faith and Authority
Am Benson mabia from Kenya, am not good in English but I would like to study with you ,
Great to hear of your interest! To join our program, the first step is to take our foundational course Getting Started in Disciple Making Movements. You can find that course at
I am so much inspired. Praise God 🙏