Staying Focused as Disciple Makers

What is the number one enemy you will face as you pursue the release of a Disciple Making Movement among the unreached?  One would imagine that it would be intense spiritual warfare, keeping a visa platform, persecution, or some other kind of external challenge.  Those are real and they are there to be sure.  In my opinion, however, the greatest obstacle for those pursuing the release of a movement,  is the inability to stay focused on what is most important.  The tendency to become distracted doing many good things without doing what iblack-and-white-1845826_1280s most important is typical of those who hope to see movements but don’t.

Busyness is a major enemy in our lives.  We can easily get so busy that we don’t have time to pray, to listen to God, to share good news with the Lost, or to adequately spend time with those who are expressing interest in coming to faith.  These things usually happen in the early stages of our efforts to start a movement.  When we don’t see things “take off” as fast as we had hoped, we allow ourselves to get involved in other ministry tasks that give us a bit of a sense of fulfillment.  Teaching here or there, doing emails, making a video for a church about what we do, attending a seminar or conference someone invited us to…suddenly we realize we have had little time for the task of disciple making.

Later, when (and if) we do have some disciples and the first church gets going, it is again easy to become busy with things related to that church’s programs rather than continuing to pursue relationships with the Lost, or to invest in quality disciple making.  We make the mistake of thinking that a weekly meeting of a few hours will make quality disciples. We fail to truly invest our lives in those God has given us whether it be in detailed prayer for them, or in developing deep relationships.

One of my favorite Old Testament Bible Heros is Nehemiah.  In tnature-1984314_1280he sixth chapter of the book that bears his name, messengers come asking Nehemiah to attend a meeting with Sanballat and Geshem.  Instead of agreeing he says,

“I am doing a great work and I cannot come down. Why should the work stop while I leave it and come down to you?” (Nehemiah 6:3)

Nehemiah is completely focused on his God-given task.  He is not going to stop his work to go and resolve a conflict, listen to his enemies, or attend a meeting.  He knows how to say a clear “no.” He continues to focus on what is most important.  We need to do the same.

How hard is it for you to stay focused on what is really important?  Do you clearly know in your own mind what is most important in light of your goal to see a movement of disciples?

In a recent training I asked the participants to make a list of everything they had done in the last week that took more than an hour of their time.  After they had listed at least 15 things, I asked them to circle which of those things directly related to making disciples among the unreached.  It was eye-opening for many of them to see how little time they actually devoted to the task they said was their primary vision.  We all would benefit from a similar exercise from time to time.

Feeling convicted?  I truly hope you don’t feel condemned.  It’s very human to get distracted and not at all uncommon! Instead of feeling bad, look carefully at where you are at. Recommit yourself to stay focused on your true calling as a disciple-maker and messenger of the good news.  Be willing like Nehemiah to say no to some things so you can say yes to what is really important.

The unreached wait to hear your message.  New disciples wait to be encouraged, trained and mentored.  Let’s get busy doing the most important things that lead to the release of movements.


  1. raulanita1

    Dear Cindy,
    Thanks for such pin point to every minister’s in the kingdom. I agreed 100% what you said, “in this blog so far”. First of all I recognized myself that I need to spend time with God not only for praying but also for listening HIM for next step, & busy with that important task the HE gave me to do rather then busy with other unimportant things which cause stay away most importants. Last few years I developed myself to say no to many things in once but again I need to do more & practice more in life, as Nehemiah did. Thanks once again to remind me to stay focused the purpose I’m here. Blessings !!

  2. Pingback: 3 Important Things to Do as You Start the New Year | Pursuing Disciple Making Movements in the Frontiers

  3. Edwin Ngbarzar

    Thank you for the encouragement. I don’t want to give up so is the reason I went to seek the face of God last week to know why God always allowing disappointments in my life? Why serves God and seemed to be that God doesnot recognized you? But thank you.

    1. Post

      Hi Edwin. Our recognition doesn’t always come on this earth, but we know God sees us and one day we will receive a crown of glory if we remain faithful. Blessings and grace to you!

  4. Michael

    God has spoken to me afresh on the need to listen to Him daily. I realize I am still tied with many church side activities that I feel it’s time I need to relinquish.

    Thanks for this timely truth.
    You are a great blessing to me.
    May the God of peace Himself give you peace always and in every way (2 Thess 3:16)

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