

    1. Post
      C. Anderson

      Hi Lawrence. Yes, the one-hour training is free but the longer training is not. We do hope you will prayerfully consider what God has for you. He is more than able to provide if this is something you need for your ongoing development. There are options to apply for discounts based on financial need.

          1. Olusola

            I thought the course is free, since it involves some payment I’d to withdraw my interest,thank you.

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            Cynthia Anderson

            Sorry to hear that. If you are still interested, please write to us at and ask us to resend that to you from there. We just need to know where you are located and a few details to provide it to you accurately. It should be in previous mails though, perhaps you could check your spam folder?

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          7. Annet Dzekewong

            Good evening and win today. I just discover i could not aford for thé cause since is not free of charge as advertise. Will surely signe in as soon as i Can afford to pay. Thank and God bless you for thé work you are doing

          8. Post
            Cynthia Anderson

            Hi there. The webinar training is free of charge, but the longer course is not free. Sorry for any confusion you experienced there. Were you able to watch the free webinar?

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          2. Ajoku Emmanuel

            Am having challenge in my password but that not withstanding, I will love take up this but I don’t have that Amount now. Thank you for your concerns

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            Cynthia Anderson

            Sorry to hear that you are struggling financially. Please be assured of our prayers. We know God is able and can make a way for you if this program is something He has for you to do at this time.

        1. Jean Baptiste Munyarukiko

          Very interesting to me for being with you to spread the evangelistic to our global in order we find many people become the followers of kingdom of God ,lm ready to be with All time you need during the 16h00 to 19 h00 PM o clock ,I do not have a reason for having a time of praying, reading, and making the friendship with others, the issues that I have is the ignolance of making the Disciples

      1. zubeda

        oh ! i have ni money light now because i am a widow for 2 years now ,i am experincing financial probkem but i real like to join trainning thank you

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          1. Kingsley

            Well, I don’t know that the training will cost money . I’m still on with the 50 days prayer.All is well ..

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        2. Edem Okon

          Please be informed that I did not see the sign up for the program.
          I hereby indicate my strong interest to enrol with a pay later option if it satisfy your terms.
          Thank you.

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          1. Bennie Udenwoko

            I am at the moment constrained financially.I am only going through the endearing words of knowledge you have dropped here and there.

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        1. Elijah Amadi

          I really know nothing about the programme , the cost , and other proccdure concerning the course and beside for now l am applicant have no money. Otherwise l am interested .

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        1. Fredwetetekhla

          Iam in east Africa Uganda , iam really very happy to be part of this course, only that I lived very dip in the village now computer, and electric in my place, I need same body to help me with laptop,, brother Fred wetekhela Uganda Africa, those things we let me miss the course,,

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      2. Edward S. Benenkao

        I love this course is a vy easy course for me but the reason, here is NETWORK problem in my community we useding 2g and it is very slowly, I always go to near by community very Saturday to Sunday just for this training program,I will read the information but,if I send,.no way to reach you.

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          Cynthia Anderson

          That is indeed a challenge. Sorry to hear about that. We are looking into ways to provide our courses on SD cards or in other ways to serve those in your kind of situation. Pray God will lead us in this brother. Blessings.

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          1. Laban mukooli

            I am interested and perhaps this is a great deal to our church and the entire commmunity of faith at large, but i am really not certain with the amount to be paid for the course in my local currency, and also not so advanced and equiped with modern communication devices/ smart phones.

          2. Post
            Cynthia Anderson

            Thank you for your feedback. We work with many people who are not very skilled in technology. Our team loves to help. Do pray about it and follow the leading of the Lord in this. If there are any questions we can answer let us know!

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    2. Okidi Moses

      The 7 days which is given for scholarships will not be possible for me because my financial status is not very stable, so to get that money within that period will defeat me. Sorry!

    3. Joe D Weah

      I’m interested in the program, for I want to learn more about the LORD JESUS CHRIST, and to work with him the more, in time like this. I’m Evangelist Joe From Liberia west Africa.

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        1. Swasen Chirwa

          I’m also very very interested about this programme so that to help me to gain more knowledge of Words of God so that to preach Jesus Christ through his purpose (Matthew 28:19_20

          1. Post
            Cynthia Anderson

            We are working on more onsite visits and training as follow up for our trainees who take online courses. When we are planning to be in Uganda again we will let you know if you are an alumni(someone who completed the course).

          2. Garshiom

            I am working on perfecting my internet network. I have trouble with my phone. As soon as this stablises I will enroll several of my young converts from drugs.

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      2. Bonface Murunga

        I am interested in DMM course but i don,t have sufficient network to train online. i am a teacher of bible survey but we learn physically in class.Can you have away to help us train in classes? And also if you can help us with little funds for printing and logistics we get more and more groups in training.

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    4. Dhong Monyjur Thon

      Thanks brother,the Word of God is so sweet and whoever has the word of God and he will keep them,that is the person who loves God

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      C. Anderson

      The 1-hour training is free, the 12-week course is not. If you find the cost difficult, please apply for a scholarship. The link to do that is on the page, or you can write us for that.

      1. Dhong Monyjur Thon

        Yes for me I think I will not afford to pay for the training not because it is bad but because I don’t have funds my people. Thanks by Dhong Monyjur Thon

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    1. Regina

      I thought it’s free training now I don’t have cash to pay but I really want to be trained with the word of God

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        C. Anderson

        Regina, its great to hear of your desire for training! Did you apply for a scholarship or discount? The link to do that is on the enrollment page. Praying for God’s provision for you in this.

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    2. Timothy Oluwadamilare Omolayo

      Please when and what time does the one hour training do take place so I can patispate. Thanks and God bless.

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        1. Calixtus Patrick Etokudo

          I can’t afford the course now even with a discount and I am not willing to be a burden to anyone now. I will do it when I am able.

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  1. John Mark

    I applied for the (full) scholarship as I can’t afford the training at the moment: I’m yet to get a feedbacj, will hopefully be starting the Church planting before June, 2022.
    I really want to have this course, will ne glad if my application for scholarship is fully granted.
    This will better equip me for the work of the ministry.
    Thank you in anticipation of your favourable response.
    John Mark
    Abuja, Nigeria

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          1. Markus Chatcham Chet Magaji

            It was an oversight on my part not that I am not interested.Iam ok with the course My potential challenges would be inabilityof ICT skill and financial standing besides I have gotten engaged 💯% right away.

        2. Paul Alhassan

          hello am interested in DMS but my is fund,if can receive the training it will help me in evangelism or can I get some free tracks for evangelism.

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  2. Kalimukwa Sikute Ernest

    I love to do this but because of money I’ve failed if there are other ways that I can be helped I can appreciate.
    Warm blessings from Zambia

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  3. Ronald Chochoma Kaynie

    Iam really willing to be part of this wonderful team but I Donot have money to pay, too Iam a university student Iam also facing challenges with regards my tuition fees and my wellbeing as well. Iam looking forward to hearing from you for any support. May

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    2. David Bosire

      If God will rain for some financial means i were to be in the training without seize. But i hope God is of good seasons one day He will open door for me to join in. What i request from prayers is the way forall.


    C’est une très bonne chose pour que la bonne nouvelle soit prêchée dans le monde entier.

  5. Gladness Kivindyo

    I am ready but I am not conversant with the internet and then worried about finance will I pay I am a pastor struggling with a small church in Kenya in the slums so I wanted to boost myself for evangelism I am already doing it so I wanted to learn more about disciple making which is very important thank you

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  6. David Bosire

    This is the field that God has opened for us away for spiritual and Bible growing . I thank for the entire team that you’re making and teaching God’s people. Thanks so much and God bless you all my brethren.

  7. Olaniyi Peter Oyedele

    Eavg olaniyi Peter Oyedele, from Nigeria, l want to be come your members, l have finish my course in lbanda Nigeria thoroughly, I don’t have much money with me now

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      1. Dorothy

        I really thank God for this program and even for the opportunity to know of it’s existence. I would really love to continue with the training. My only concern is that I am not able to afford it.

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  8. Alexander patrick Esiara

    Surely i have been trying but atlist today I’ve reached the step .well my p obl is finances am not really okay financially but i really love to go through this training so that I can do the work of the lord well.How best can i be help d to get this offer?

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  9. Alisinakwoyo Irene

    Hello I am grateful for the opportunity but I couldn’t afford the 30parcent which I was told to contribute so God willing I will sign-in next time God bless you

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  10. Samuel Asare-Nketia

    I really need to be part of this movement but my finances are very down and can’t afford to pay for the course or training.

    I am a pensioner without any source of income. I wish I will be entitle to full scholarship. Thanks

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  11. Erick Samweli

    I am very grateful for these training but for me my challenge I can not speak English well. I speak Swahili and Portuguese only

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  12. Susanatu Onovughe

    I am a working woman and may not be able to to keep with timing,besides network issues so send all via email thanks

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  13. Michael

    I really love this program but it requires much spending of money and am not financially balance,so how I my going to do about it please 🙏?

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  14. Israel Oke

    Thank you so much even for the scholarship. The fact remains that I can’t pay the money.I preach the gospel for free.if I pay for the training ,will my converts pay me for hearing about Jesus

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  15. Jenfa Adeyemi

    It’s lack of time on my side. I travelled frequently & there is clash of programs.
    If you can give me the breakdown of the training programme so I can plan my time to attend the training.

    1. Post
      Cynthia Anderson

      Please see the outline of the curriculum on the enrollment page so you can see how it works. You will start immediately then be given one new module every two weeks. So it is a pretty relaxed pace as long as you set aside a few hours each week for it.

  16. Fidèle Mulindabigwi

    God bless all of you who are trying to serve Him hardly .
    Your labour is not in vain to the Lord Jesus .

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  17. Lingwa Amukhobe Atsulu

    I would have wished to join these training yesterday,but since my financial status doesn’t allow me,Iam an able.
    At the right time, I will thus when I get funds. Otherwise thanks for giving me chance to express myself. 95 the church members that I minister to don’t own even a Bible.

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  18. Francis T Fallamor

    I love the program but right now I don’t have money to start with the program. Thank. I highly appreciate you for this unique God’s kingdom work on earth.f

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  19. James bwalya

    My God might is my favorite love I believe god because is a greater I promise I’m looking forward to Jesus Christ i thanks for helping me ollowes and All the time my friend road give me a good chance evely day my love Jesus Christ pick up my strength e to my life send me in 2024 a good chance to you I love you too I will be there when you’re done in Jesus might name amen amen amen

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  20. Yonghabi Aaron

    Discipleship is not something I have to joke about because it is a command from God. And the Church is suffering here in Cameroon because of lack of proper discipleship. I need it seriously, but to always stay connected to your teaching is the issue. That is to have data account

  21. Lawrece Simbeye

    I Lawrence Simbeye Febuary 22/02/2024 PM Discipleship here in Zambia it not done much because there very few people who have been trained to Disciple.

  22. Joseph Bayo Arowojobe

    I thought it would be a free program because I am financially incapable! More so, I hardly get the time to attend the schedule program

    1. Post
      Cynthia Anderson

      Sorry we offer it at a highly reduced price for people in your situation, but we believe that God can provide for you this small amount if its a course He wants you to do. Pray about it and seek His help in this if you continue to feel it would benefit you.

  23. Tasawar Iqbal

    Thank you Sir, but I’m doing so individually, I’m trying to make more and more decouples of Jesus secretly..

  24. Tasawar Iqbal

    These are main problems in my way are mentioned below.
    1. My english language is poor I can’t understand quickly,
    2. Time
    3. Financially

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    1. Sizomu Andrew

      Am happy and am from East Africa Uganda am so glad to meet you and I have this for the reasion may God bless you

  25. Isabirye tonny

    Dear brothers and sisters praise the name of our Lord Jesus christ and gdmng to you all , I do appreciate for the gd work being done by the ministry . I am isabirye tonny from Uganda 🇺🇬 in Eastern part , I am really great full . But I really requesting for the the ministry to come in Uganda whereby these courses which are seeing on social media we are the one in them , for me and my church members we are all ready and waiting for u only amen

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  26. Kintu Yosamu Hope

    Hello this is pastor Yosamu K Hope from Kenya my church is called Bible Community Church in tha place called soy Kenya 🇰🇪 I will be taking chance to learn more through this course if chance is provided.
    Thanks be blessed

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  27. Elisha Sarki

    I enrolled few weeks ago, i find it very difficult to c0mmunicate with you. Perhaps your representative does not pick call even when i try to get some clearification from her. ee

    1. Post
      Cynthia Anderson

      Sorry to hear that you’ve had difficulty with this Elisha. We are not able to take spontaneous calls but are happy to respond to your messages. Please send a Whatsapp message and arrange a time for a call if it is needed.

  28. Olayiwola AKINRINOLA

    The sign up skipped me. So sorry about that.

    But I actually was waiting for an advise on the total amount to pay in my local currency, if possible. I live in Nigeria. I want to see if it’s something I can afford right away. Thanks.

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  29. Mustapha M K Sandi

    It is a great honor to be included in a divine ministry especially when I thought I should retire by now at age 68. I am just noting that there is no retirement in divine service.
    Thank you for accepting my request to be a part of this great ministry.

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