My previous blog was about Praying with Faith. That is the first key to seeing breakthroughs in Disciple-Making Movements. Another important key for breakthrough and growth is perseverance. I’ve given it the number two slot in my list of keys because without it, you simply don’t get to multiplication or movement. When people first hear …
“Here is water! Can you baptize me?” Philip was asked this question by the Ethiopian (Acts 8:36). Without hesitation, he immediately took action to help this new believer obey Jesus’ command. I wonder if we would have done the same. We may have said, “I’m not sure I am allowed to do that. I need …
Discipleship, especially when you are wanting to make true disciple makers, is a process that can seem long and difficult. We often look for shortcuts. Have you ever found yourself trying to go somewhere fast and then decided to take a shortcut? You see this little lane and you are pretty sure it will cut …