My previous blog was about Praying with Faith. That is the first key to seeing breakthroughs in Disciple-Making Movements. Another important key for breakthrough and growth is perseverance. I’ve given it the number two slot in my list of keys because without it, you simply don’t get to multiplication or movement. When people first hear …
In the coming weeks, I want to share some keys to seeing breakthroughs that lead to a Disciple Making Movement. The first one is praying with faith. Let’s begin by considering a funny story I read not long ago. A journalist was assigned to the Jerusalem bureau of his newspaper. He gets an apartment overlooking …
“You are like a bulldozer,” he said. That was an unusual thing for someone to say! I wasn’t sure I liked that classification. What did it mean? As time has passed, I’ve come to understand what this prophetically gifted man was referring to. To release Disciple Making Movements (DMMs), you need to bulldoze your way …
“Never, never, never, give in!” These were the words of Winston Churchill during one of England’s bleakest moments. It was 1941 and Hitler’s troops were advancing. The American forces had not yet entered the war and things looked bad for Europe. He went on to say, *“Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently …